You guessed it! I saw my first deadly spider! The (not so) illusive, Redback Spider. Ryan saw one last week, but he didn't get any pictures. That's right everyone, I risked Kelsey's life to get this picture for you:

Kelsey was checking the chairs before we sat outside...and it's a good thing she did! She also killed it. So brave!
But this is a picture for was actually just a baby. They can get quite large though, with torsos the size of a quarter I think.

Anyways, this weekend was pretty fun. It was supposed to rain, but we had beautiful weather (about 17-22 Celsius, but cold wind). Friday was Kelsey's birthday, so we ordered take out Thai food, rented terrible chick flicks, and ate chocolate cake.
Saturday was our trip to Bunnings (like Home Depot, but BETTER!) Our mission was to get a barbeque and plants for an herb garden. Both were very successful. I resisted buying a citrus tree because they would take at least 3 years to produce edible fruit. Damn! Best part - they had free slushies and popcorn! Also the staff all had their faces painted, which was weird.
I think it's about time I show you what Justin and Kelsey's car looks like so you can get the full effect of loading a huge barbeque into it:

This is just a picture from the internet, but theirs is red and looks exactly like this.
Anyways, somehow between the two of us we had a trunk full of plants so we spent the afternoon planting an herb and lettuce garden at my house. We also assembled the barbeque and cooked skewers for dinner. Delish!
Sunday we met some other women and dogs at Semaphore Beach (just north of our suburb) for a dog walk. I'll let the pictures speak for themselves, but it was low tide. The beach was so flat that at high tide there is only a few metres of sand.

We stopped at a great café for lunch while it got cloudy, then when we were done the sun came back out again! The afternoon was so nice we weeded Kelsey's gardens and planted her plants from Bunnings.
After ALL of that, it was still only 3pm, so we decided to go to the mall which has the good grocery stores. Got lots of delicious food and stopped at K-Mart to see if they have bikes. They do! I got one for $60! So again, picture a bike box (I have to assemble the bike) in the back of Kelsey's car!
Finally, the day ended with me practicing driving that car. The gear changing wasn't a problem, but we had a few close calls with me almost hitting things on the passenger side. It's soooooo weird to be on the other side of the car! I also panic and forget what I'm doing, even at 30 km/h. Practice makes perfect, right?
Wow sounds like you had a great weekend! I can just picture your reaction to free slushies in a store hahaha.
ReplyDeleteWith the driving - just remember, as the driver you have to be in the center of the road - that's pretty much what got me through driving in England ... there were a couple close calls with turning into the wrong lane of traffic in the suburb areas, but never anything too major - good luck!
ReplyDeleteYeah, we didn't think the slushies were free at first, then when we were about to leave we got one :) Next time we'll be smarter!
ReplyDeleteAs far as driving goes, it's easier said than done, that's for sure! I think I need to practice with an automatic to get the feel of the roads for awhile. Maybe we'll rent a car when Ryan gets back this week and go on an adventure!
Thanks for commenting everyone!
So the itsy bitsy spider is poisonous. That was a good lesson. DON'T SIT DOWN!