Sunday 28 July 2013

Seeing Sir. David Attenborough - July 27, 2013

Of all the awesome things we did in Australia, going to see Sir. David Attenborough speak was one of the coolest.  And it's kind of strange how it all happened.  I decided to get Ryan a ticket for his birthday, but we weren't sure if he would be home or not from work, so I only got one ticket instead of two (in case he couldn't go, then I would go in his place).  However, David ended up with some sort of heart problem, delayed the show, and it worked out that both Ryan and I were home to go see him.  Luckily there were still some tickets left, so we both ended up getting to go.  Ryan had a nearly front row seat, and I was slightly further back.

Holy cow can that man tell a good story!  The show was done interview style, so he would answer questions, tell stories, and show videos.  It was mesmerizing, funny, and educational all at the same time.