Wednesday 6 July 2011

Guest Writer Ryan: Australia vs. Canada

Alright, so many Canadians think Australia is much like Canada, and many Australians think Canada is much like Australia. This may be true, but let me share a few of the things which are not the same.

They have a fence running the width of the country (should I say continent?) called the ‘dingo fence’. Its primary purpose is the keep the dingoes out of Southern Australia.

We saw a golden orb spider at work, and the webs are so tough that you can pluck them like a guitar string. Also they make the webs between trees, which people say is very annoying when you’re your on a quad-bike and you get this big spider and tough web in your face. It is another cousin of the black widow, although much less dangerous.

Useful advice: if you run over a snake with your car, make sure you look behind you to see if it’s still on the road.  If you don’t kill it, it usually grabs a hold of the car and works its way inside over the next few hours to days.  If you don’t see the snake behind you in the rear view mirror, get out of the car and walk away.

Emus like to chase small children while screeching, but if you have a dirt-bike, you can chase them and scare them off.

Kangaroos will bound prettily beside your moving car, but what they’re really trying to do is leap in-font of it to … get run over … On that note, the road kill here is much larger than in Canada (exception moose, meese?)


  1. My Aussie friend told me that we have much scarier creatures in Canada (ie, bears). I'm pretty sure I would rather meet a bear than spiders and snakes, though!

  2. So what happens if the snake is in your car? Do you just leave it and hope it'll make it's way out some day? I would not want that lurking in my vehicle waiting for me ...
