Thursday 26 May 2011

Reality Sets In

Since this is not technically a vacation, by day 2 reality sort of set in...we actually have to live here. This means that we have to take care of all of the boring stuff: banking, phones, grocery shopping, finding a place to live… I won't bore you with all of the details, except for our adventures in finding an apartment.

On Day 1 we had already set up a viewing to see an amazing place right on the beach. It was beautiful and we did everything possible to get it. Justin warned us that the market was tough, so not to get our hopes up on the first place we saw. So, after that we went to a few more open houses and submitted some more applications. A few days later we saw another great place right down the street from Justin and Kelsey. The two places couldn't have been more different. The second one was actually a house with a yard, but a 10 minute walk to the beach. We loved it though, so we submitted the application.


Ryan met with Euro, the exploration contracting company who hired him. They were happy he made it and wanted him out in the field right away. After only being here for 4 days, he was off to work for 2 weeks. He's about a 5 hour drive (I think) North-East of Adelaide near a town called Broken Hill.

I haven't really heard from him much since he left, so I can't really tell you how he's doing. He told me "the rest of the country is really beautiful" and "there are tons of emus here" via text message, so that will have to do for now!

Back in Henley Beach…

I was eagerly awaiting phone calls from our two favourite places. Whichever one accepted us we were going to take. That is, until they both did! After much debate, we decided to go with the house because it was closer to a grocery store and to Justin and Kelsey. Also, it had a covered area in the yard so I can have a BBQ! Here are 2 pictures. More to follow once it is furnished. It's not as big as it looks.

So, there you go, officially one week since our arrival date, and I have keys to a house. Turns out the housing market has crashed here recently and they are having a much harder time renting and selling places. Either way, one week is pretty impressive if I do say so myself!

1 comment:

  1. Hes going to Broken Hill, the birth place of the Broken Hill Proprietary Company Limited, the largest mining company in the world. What a lucky guy (geologist)!

    If you look at the sat image of the town there is a nice patch of green just to the north. Could it be a golf course in the middle of the outback? Ryan is probably just golfing and not working.
