Thursday 26 May 2011

Now What?

After a week of hard work dealing with properties, banks, phone, internet, gas, electricity, and watching the full first season of 30 Rock, I'm not really sure what to do with myself.  Luckily tomorrow's Saturday so Kelsey and I are going shopping!  I've got a whole house to furnish!

Walked 40 minutes to a Salvation Army today...turns out they don't sell furniture at that location. 

I think on Monday I will start applying for jobs.  You all know me...I can't sit still for long.


  1. 30 rock is awesome. Excellent choice! And seriously what kind of Salvation Army doesn't sell furniture?? Lame.

  2. MORE PICS!!!


    I think you'll have a great time there :D

    How much is the rent there compared to up here?

  3. Sorry, I don't really have too many more pictures yet. It's been cold and raining so not much outdoor activity.

    Rent at the house we got is $300/week (yes, WEEK!) for a 2 bedroom. Most were between $250-$300 that would suit our needs. You can get cheaper places, but since I'm living alone most of the time we wanted a non-sketchy place.

  4. Love the pics of the house. Love this blog - especially the name! Big congrats on finding a place so fast, I am very happy for you two. Keep the updates coming!
