Wednesday 2 November 2011

Even More Birds

I've decided to take a new approach to the bird pictures.  Instead of stealing pictures from people off the internet, I'm only going to post a picture if we've actually been able to take a picture.  Consequently, some pictures won't be very good, and the ones that are good are probably Ryan's!  I've also gone back to my other bird posts and updated them with our own pictures and removed any others.  It also means that if I identify any of them wrong you'll be able to call me on it (if you care).  The birds in this post are mostly from our trip to Kangaroo Island and Perth, with a few from my hike up Mount Lofty and through the Adelaide Botanic Gardens.  I haven't done a bird post in awhile, so this will be a long one!

'Adelaide Rosella'
This bird has slight variations that make it unique just to this area.  I've been watching out for it carefully and finally saw one!  It's the bird on the right.

Australian Raven

Australian Ringneck ('Twenty-eight' Parrot Variety)
Spotted on our trip to Western Australia.

Black Swan

Blue-breasted Fairy-wren
We saw both the male and female.



Cape Barren Goose

Caspian Tern

Common Blackbird

Common Starling

Crested Tern

Eastern Rosella

Eurasian Coot

European Goldfinch

Golden Whistler

Grey Teal Duck

Little Raven

We've been seeing these since the beginning, but it just took me awhile to realize they weren't the same as the Australian Magpie. 

Musk Lorikeet

Pacific Gull (two markings)
These guys are massive!

Pied Butcherbird

Pied Oystercatcher

Red Wattlebird
It might be hard to see, but they have weird red "wattles" sticking out the side of their face!

Scarlet Robin

Short-billed Black-Cockatoo
This was an exciting sighting.  We were watching for whales in Albany but saw this guy instead!

Splendid Fairy-wren

Swamp Harrier

Varied Sittella ('Black-capped Sittella' variety)
It took us FOREVER to identify this one because there are so many different varieties.

Welcome Swallow

Western Corella

White-breasted Robin

White-browed Babbler

White-naped Honeyeater


  1. Not sure what the blue-breasted male fairy wren was trying to tell you!!! Good job, love Mom

  2. I like seeing your own photos of creatures you spot. It makes it more real. Love the fairy wrens!

