(Just because I'm posting, doesn't mean you should stop emailing me! I love hearing from all of you!)
As I mentioned a few posts ago, I was hired through my temp agency to work for UniSA helping lecturers use their new lecture recording system. I'm going to be blunt: this is the easiest job I've ever had in my life. Basically, I show up 10 minutes before a lecture, help the prof with the new console, make sure the recording starts, then wait to help the next prof at the next lecture. Today I had lectures every hour, but tomorrow I only have 3 for the whole day to help with! I've sat through a few of the more interesting ones, but it's the first week of classes so there is a lot of housekeeping instead of actual content. I've also finished reading "Fall of Giants" (850 page book) and I've started reading "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo." The only bad parts were that I worked the whole time Ryan was home, and the bus system was a really big pain for the first 2 days since the training was way out of town. It's depressing though - it takes me over 3 days to earn what Ryan does in 1! Unfortunately tomorrow is my last day of that, so I'm back to doing nothing. Yeah, life's hard.
Also this past week we were dog-sitting for Kelsey and Justin's dog Dawson. He's a very good dog and for the most part the week went really well...until he got sick. His last night here he spent the night throwing up, which despite the frustration of not sleeping, was completely heartbreaking. It's awful when dogs are sick because they just give you those sad eyes and there's not a whole lot you can do. Our theories are that he was homesick, or that he ate a rock. He seems to be much better now so not to worry! Before all of that we had a really great walk and lots of fun on the beach! (note: No one is on the beach! Amazing!)
Job plus dog plus everyone feeling a bit under the weather meant that the last week was pretty uneventful. The next two weeks will also be pretty low key, but we're hoping to do a short trip next time Ryan is back. Still not sure where we want to go though. Preferably somewhere warmer than here, so maybe either Darwin or Gold Coast. I'll keep you posted!